Data = Marketing = Book Sales. Transmitting your data in ONIX will increase book sales, allowing for faster ingestion by your partner sites, and a more extensive data set for consumer decision-making.
NetRead created the first ONIX-conversion application, and has nearly 20 years of book metadata experience. Using our software equates to free metadata consultation services
NetRead remains a small company offering personalized service
NetRead has a flat fee structure rather than charging a transactional fee on your sales
NetRead supports your trading partner relationships, both technically and personally. Unlike a desktop application or an Enterprise solution, we don’t expect you to do the setup or apply the hooks for transmission. We’re on a first-name basis with trading partners such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Ingram, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Scribd, and others.
With NetRead’s web-based, intuitive software, you retain control of your data rather than depending upon an unresponsive distributor or aggregator
NetRead offers support for all versions of ONIX, and a multitude of Excel/flat file formats
NetRead supports both “print” & eBook data processes
NetRead = one-stop, timesaving shop for book data and digital asset transmission