NetRead Software & Services
NetRead Software and Services
Table of Contents 
  What Is It?
  Getting Help
  Add New Title
  Editing Titles
  Export Wizard
10. Adding New Titles

There are two ways to add titles to your JacketCaster account:

  1. Add them using the user interface.
  2. Send us a file in one of two formats:
    • Tab delimited
    • ONIX 1.1

The JC_Tab_Template.xls file provides a template for creating tab delimited files. You can obtain this file and supporting documents from NetRead. For information about creating ONIX files, visit Note, however, that unless you are highly experienced with generating complex xml files, you should not attempt to create ONIX files.

To add a new title to your JacketCaster account using the user interface,

  1. Click the Add a New Title, either on the JacketCaster Home page or in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Enter a working title. This does not have to be the final title--you can change it at any time.
  3. Designate the folder in which you want the title to reside (if you have created multiple folders using the Folder Manager). By default, the title will be saved in your "Main" folder.
  4. Click the "Create Title" button.

    You are now on the Title Options page. Scroll down to see all the sections, each of which allows you to enter and edit different types of information. Each section is on a separate page. To enter information in a section, click on the relevant "Enter/Add" link, enter your information in the appropriate place on the form, and click Save. For example, to enter the exact title, the subtitle, and/or the ISBN,

  5. Click on "Edit/Add" on the "Identifiers" line

    You will see the screen below:

  6. Enter any information appropriate to your book. You can see definitions of each field by clicking on the field label. When you are first using JacketCaster, consult the field definitions often to avoid entering information incorrectly or in the wrong place.
  7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
When you click the Save button, you will see a summary of the information you entered, then you will return to the Title Options page. REMEMBER TO SAVE! If you click on the left-hand navigation bar or the bread-crumb without saving, you will lose any information on the current page. You must click the Save button to save the information in your account.

Next Page: Editing Titles


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